Trends in Vault Banking Rankings

As a society, we love to rank things. We rank colleges (US News & World Report), companies (Fortune 500), sports teams (AP Top 25 Poll), and even people (IMBd STARmeter).

Sometimes rankings are useful, since they collapse many data points into a single metric, allowing for easy comparison. The problem is when rankings build on subjective methodologies or abstract criteria are taken as absolute truth, rather than a directional guide.

With that disclaimer as backdrop, it’s no surprise that surveys professionals to rank the top employers in industries like law, consulting, and banking. The rankings they produce are based on surveys that try to measure things like prestige, culture, satisfaction, work/life balance, training, and compensation.

Vault rankings are created using “a weighted formula that reflects the issues professionals care most about”, such as prestige, culture, and satisfaction (source)

Obviously, the inputs (“prestige” and “culture”) are inherently abstract and highly subjective, so the output (rankings) is likely to be noisy and subjective as well. That said, I was interested to see how rankings, specifically in banking, had changed over time, so I compiled the Top 50 lists from 2011 to 2020.

The lists are composed of companies across the banking spectrum, from bulge bracket firms like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to elite boutiques like Centerview and Evercore to middle market banks like Piper Sandler and Raymond James.

Below are the results for the bulge bracket and elite boutique segments, along with a few observations, based on loose categories suggested by

  • Dominance of GS: Over the ten year period, Goldman only dipped below #1 briefly, in 2012-13.
  • Decline of JPM: Despite clenching the #1 spot in 2012-13, JPM declined in the following years, landing at #5 in 2020.
  • Growth of BAML: Starting in #9 in 2011, BAML’s rank steadily improved over time, hovering at #3 in 2020.

I compiled this data manually, but used r and ggplot to clean and filter the data and create the charts. You can find the full repo on Github here.

Import, Define ggplot Theme



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Visualizing Rap Communities with Python & Spotify’s API

Finding new music you like can be tough. In my experience, there’s no single discovery mechanism that delivers consistently. I usually rely on a mix of sources: websites like Pitchfork or Genius, subreddits like popheads or hiphodheads, and curated playlists like Get Turnt or Hot Rhythmic. Lately, I’ve found new favorites through a Spotify feature called “Fans Also Like”.

FANS ALSO LIKE – A Spotify music discovery feature

Listed on each artist page, the “Fans Also Like” section is an algorithmically populated discovery feature built using a metric called “artist similarity”. This metric is based on shared fans, meaning the more fans two artists have in common, the higher their similarity score.

“Artist similarity is probably the second-most important piece of data we extract from listening patterns—after popularity. It’s the data behind radio, genres, and Discover pages.”

Glenn McDonald, Spotify’s data alchemist (source)

The cool thing is that Spotify exposes this discovery algorithm via API. After authenticating and supply an artist id, the API will return a list of 20 similar artists. Obviously, this is a huge win for music data nerds everywhere.

In this post, I’ll leverage Spotify’s “similar artists” API to build interactive network charts, visualizing how artists are linked together, as measured by the similarity of their fans.


To access the Spotify API, you’ll need a Spotify account (free or premium), and a registered application. To make things easy, I used the spotipy library in Python, which supports all of the features of the Spotify Web API.

Next, leaning on the the spotipy library to do the heavy lifting, I can retrieve the artist and “similar artist” data with two lines, passing the artist id to the artist and artist_related_artists functions.

Here’s a sample of the result when we query Spotify for the artists most similar to Drake, according to listener behavior:

NamePopularityFollower Count
Big Sean87 7,113,709
J. Cole90 10,379,858
Jeremih84 4,094,532
Wale80 2,457,939
Rick Ross86 3,839,127

The list of similar artists is returned in order of ranked similarity score, meaning that according to the listener data, Drake is most similar to Big Sean, J.Cole, and Jeremih. Surprising? Let’s make the list more visual by creating an interactive plot using Flourish.

It’s a fun visual, but you’d find these same faces if you looked at “Fans Also Like” on Drake’s artist page. Let’s take it a step further and query the API for similar artists for the artists similar to Drake. Then we’ll start to get a sense of the pop-rap landscape.

Right off, it looks like Jeremih is the odd one out, with none of his peer artists overlapping with the rest of the group. In contrast, Big Sean overlaps three of five, J.Cole, Wale, and Rick Ross, with Drake.

Let’s see how things look when we pull in the full dataset, with each of Drake’s top 20 most similar artists and each of their 20 most similar artists.

How could we use this data to find new music? Counting the number of times an artist appeared across the second iteration of similar artists, below are the top artists to check out if you’re a Drake fan:

This has been one approach to understanding “community” in rap music. Another would be to analyze collaboration between artists and the frequency of features shared. However you find new music, “Fans Also Like” is a fantastic tool to explore new artists, and even genres.

You can find the full code to create the dataset used here and the dataset itself here.
